Hey there ladies, gents, and horrorhounds of all ages I'm got a pretty to show you! World renown artist extrodinare Tommy Castillo (@castillo_tommy ) has a fun filled, gore soaked, activity laden coloring adventure for all of you! I already have my copy of
The Coloring Book of the Dead so you should get one too, either at a convention, from
TommyCastillo.net or
here. While your at it why not take a look at
Tommy's Gallery and pick up a print or two.
Zombie Coloring Fun for the whole Family! |
Zombies are the "it" monster/creature right now, and everybody thinks
they can do zombies. I'm here to tell you that nobody does zombies like
Tommy does zombies. Tommy's zombies are some of the most gore caked,
oozing, shuffling stiffs you'll find this side of an old George Romero
Movie. But it's not just the torn-off cheeks, missing appendages, and
copious consumption of brains that make Tommy's zombies better than all
the rest. No, it's the former humanity that is clearly visible in every
zombie that he draws. It's the sheer terror you feel for some poor sap
foolish enough to have been caught by a group of these marching maggot
piles. It's the texture lovingly (menacingly?) rendered in each image
that sets Tommy's work apart from the rest of the mindless z-heard.
If you have any love for zombies, the macabre, or horror movies in
general then this book is for you. This book is for the twisted little
kid inside us all that used to stay up late to sneak and watch those
bloody gory movies that your parents said said would scar you for life.
It's full of dark humor, pretty (gross) images and activities! what more
could you want?